Khadijah Safari

At the age of 7, when most kids are lost in the melodies of their favorite rhymes, her childhood lullabies were clinking tools and banging machinery.

While her peers enjoyed the latest toys, she embraced ingenuity, finding treasures in discarded items. Weekend plumbing and electrical jobs with her dad not only shaped her work ethic but also imparted a sense of self-reliance. Challenged by her father to design her own climbing frame at the age of 8, she embarked on a journey that marked the beginning of turning dreams into reality.

This was the struggling childhood of Khadijah Safari, now a successful entrepreneur and a business coach teaching women to build a successful 7-figure business. 

Khadijah’s unconventional mindset is evident in various aspects of her life. From her approach to education and professional endeavors to her entrepreneurial ventures, she consistently embraces a distinctive and innovative perspective.

Unveiling a Unique Educational Journey:

Khadijah’s way of learning was different. She didn’t like regular school, so she left A-levels. She felt school was just another cog in the age-old routine – study, work, retire – and it didn’t seem interesting. Instead, she chose an apprenticeship, where she could learn hands-on. Later, she started a degree in London but left because she didn’t want to do a long essay assignment that would be of no use in her professional life. Khadijah believed real learning happens beyond classrooms, emphasizing practical experiences.

Exploration of Faith and Identity:

Having gained newfound freedom, Khadijah embarked on a journey of cultural exploration, immersing herself in diverse perspectives. Instead of adhering strictly to her birth religion, she adopted an open-minded approach, exploring various faiths. In 2009, after careful research, she chose Islam as a personal truth, defining her purpose. 

The Impact on Life, Business, and Empowerment:

Khadijah’s entrepreneurial spirit came to the forefront when she founded Safari MMA, Ltd, with just £2000. By 2020, the enterprise flourished with a team, 20 trained instructors, and 11 locations across the UK. 

She started her second venture, Safari Health Hub CIC when she witnessed the mental health struggles of members during COVID lockdowns. This non-profit organization expanded beyond physical well-being, offering services encompassing suicide prevention, positive mindset courses, and engagement programs for marginalized communities.

Building on her commitment to empowerment, Khadijah ventured into coaching, founding Khadijah Safari Coaching, a business dedicated to helping women achieve their 6-7-figure dreams. She provides 1:1 mentorship, guiding women through the intricacies of entrepreneurship. In addition, she discusses business tips and faith on her podcast. This can provide guidance for those who are not in her coaching program but still want to learn from her. 

The coaching program is for women looking to build themselves up, especially when the rest of the world has tried to push them down. However, it’s not for everyone; if you’re ready to be coached and level up your life, then it may be for you. 

In essence, Khadijah’s journey is a testament to the power of embracing individuality and defying societal expectations. Her life’s story serves not only as a tale of unconventional success but as a roadmap for empowerment through authenticity.

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